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Batavia Repair

Near: Batavia Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, USA

Property clean up and restoration in downtown Royal Oak. Details added below per each image's caption. Lower level unit only.

Cleanup summary: Remove all small junk around the property as well as couch and dining table. Repair / restore multiple doors that were broken and or bashed. Empty and discard fridge contents. Remove and broken blinds, do not replace. Touch up drywall where needs be. Empty dishwasher contents; our team will attempt to fix it once emptied. Remove the front door screen door completely, do not replace -- every tenant of mine keeps destroying it. Clean up the walls (marks / dirt), paint work TBD.

Project awarded to: Bee Gone Junk Removal. Paid in full same day, $625.


remove all junk 2
remove all junk
remove and dump screendoor, do not replace
entry - remove junk
entry - blinds
sun room - remove and dump broken blinds
bathroom - remove junk
entry - repair dry wall
north east bedroom
bedroom across from kitchen
remove table in kitchen
empty and discard fridge contents
remove nail : restore door of closet end of hallway
bedroom across from kitchen door repair
north east bedroom door restoration
office room door restoration